One of my personal New Year’s Resolutions for 2017 has been to make more time for the ones I love. Whether it’s my husband, family, friends, or just myself (can’t forget self-care!), I want to make sure I’m prioritizing relationships and being more present during our time together.
Many women spend their whole lives dreaming about their wedding dress: what it will look like, whether they’ll cry when they realize it’s “the one”, and what it will feel like to walk down the aisle in that dress towards the love of their life.
One of the top questions I’ve been getting from friends and clients alike is how to choose a wedding venue. It’s without a doubt one of the most exciting, yet most overwhelming parts of wedding planning! After all, your venue will set the stage for your entire wedding, and it’s so important that it’s a reflection of you. I totally get it – there are hundreds (thousands, even!) of venues available out there, so to help break it down for you, I’m sharing my top tips for choosing your perfect venue.
You hear it all the time: marriage is hard work. Personally, any time I heard this in my first 26ish years of life, I wasn’t quite sure what people meant by that. I always wondered, but never asked – probably because I felt like it was supposed to be obvious. Don’t get me wrong, I completely understood that any relationship comes with its own unique set of challenges and compromises, but after living with Anthony for 2+ years before we got married, I couldn’t understand how marriage might change the dynamic we had already begun to establish.
You’re engaged! And as excited as you are, you’re probably a little overwhelmed with exactly what you should do next. Read on for tips I picked up from very own engagement, and from coaching a few friends through it, too!
We all dream of a wedding full of happy tears, delighted guests, magically romantic moments with your newly betrothed, and no shortage of Pinterest-worthy details. And sure, planning a wedding and getting married is one of the most exciting and magical times of your life in so many ways, but I’m going to level with you: it also comes with its challenges, learning experiences, and there’s-no-way-I-ever-could-have-predicted-this-what-the-heck-do-I-do-now?! moments.