January 15, 2019
Photos by By Halie Photography
When I was asked to plan a Harry Potter inspired baby shower, one of the very first ideas that popped into my mind was to incorporate aged terra cotta centerpieces, a la Herbology class. I scoured the internet for the perfectly aged pots, but they each came up out of budget for one, let alone the 10-15 I needed for the baby shower! Naturally I couldn’t let the idea go, so I came up with this DIY to make my own.
These are perfect for centerpieces, event decor, or just to have around your house to get that European countryside vibe. And the best part is, they could not be any easier. Enjoy!
You will need:
– Terra Cotta pots (I got mine at Michaels in various sizes)
– Baking Powder
– Water
– Paint Brush
– Sand Paper
– Small Bowl
In a small bowl, mix together equal parts water and baking powder. Stir together until you’ve made a runny paste.
Using your paint brush, apply the mixture to your terra cotta pot. Covering some spots more than others will give it more of a realistic look.
Let dry for 5 minutes.
Wipe off any excess paste. Repeat the process until desired effect is achieved.
Sand lightly in random spots to complete the naturally aged look.
Fill your pot with potting soil and a plant of your choosing, and bask in the glory of how easy that was (and how great your pots look)!
For this baby shower, I filled my pots with some rosemary and a viney flower called “Creeping Myrtle” which I thought was a perfectly subtle Harry Potter tribute. Could these be any cuter?!
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